At Davcon, we’re firm believers that everyone has the right to be safe and secure in their homes. But we also understand that not everyone is able to own a home and secure it in the way that they would like to.

When renting, a lot of people often feel that they just have to deal with what’s already in their new rental property. But there are some things you can do as a renter to secure your home and belongings to keep your family safe.


Crimsafe Ultimate installed by Davcon Security Screens


1. Get acquainted

As a renter, it’s important to get to know your surroundings when you move somewhere new – and that includes getting to know your neighbours.

When your neighbours don’t know you, seeing someone new going into your home might not raise any red flags. But if they know you, they’re more likely to take notice when you’re not there.

And the same goes for living near renters! If you see someone new moving in next door, take notice and pop over to say hello when they’re settled. This simple practice can keep your whole street more aware and potentially safer.


2. Get exploring

Check out your new neighbourhood! Even if you’re familiar with the area, a new street can feel totally foreign. Exploring the streets and taking note of things such as how dark the streets are at night, the visible security screens on other houses around you. And it’s always a good idea to know where your local police station is.


3. Get insured

Renters contents insurance can protect your belongings not only from theft, but from storm, flood, fire and more. You’ll need to compare insurance providers and policies to find something that’s right for you. But it could be worth it for peace of mind.


4. Get inspecting

When you move in, make sure to check that all the doors and windows lock correctly. If anything is amiss contact your rental agency for a maintenance request to get everything as secure as possible.

As a tenant in a Queensland property, it’s the responsibility of the landlord to make sure the property is ‘reasonably secure’, which relates to:

        • the risk to a tenant’s personal safety
        • the ability of a tenant to obtain home contents insurance
        • the likelihood of break-ins
        • local community standards about adequate security for properties
        • the physical characteristics of the property and adjoining areas

These guidelines are vague at best, so if there’s anything you’re unsure about be sure to speak up. Contact your real estate agent and ask any questions!


5. Get a safe

It might seem silly, but a safe with an alarm can be an easy and portable way to keep your valuables safe. With an alarm, you don’t have to worry about bolting it into place, if it’s picked up it will go off so it can’t be stolen if there is a break in.

As something that you can take with you when you leave so it will be a long term investment.


6. Get smart

Smart home security options aren’t just for homeowners. As a renter you can’t usually install your own permanent security options – and it’s an expensive upgrade for something that you can’t take with you.

Luckily there are a lot of DIY, wi-fi and battery-powered options available that you can install and take with you when you leave. And this isn’t just cameras, there are more and more options for lighting and alarms too!

So if you’re not feeling safe, shop around and you’re guaranteed to find some solutions for renters that are portable, affordable and safe.


Get Crimsafe

If you don’t have any security screens on your property, or you feel the home security screens are inadequate you can request Crimsafe be installed. Not only can Crimsafe keep you safe as a renter, but you can also point out that it’s an investment for the owner and it may even increase their property value.


Moving can be daunting and living somewhere new can make you feel unsafe and a little lost. But you don’t have to feel powerless, by doing these few things you can feel and be safer in a house you call home.


If you want Crimsafe installed in your rental, you or your landlord can get a free on-site quote with Davcon. Call us on (07) 3875 2326 or request a quote online.

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