How Crimsafe weathers the weather is the second installment of the two part series “How Crimsafe works for you!” A series that breaks down the safety and weather resistant features of Crimsafe security screens, detailing the extra mile that Crimsafe goes when designing their signature security screens.

If you missed the first part How is Crimsafe so crim safe? make sure you check it out! If you are ready for part two, here is: How Crimsafe weathers the weather.

Challenging the concept of home security Crimsafe really does push the boundaries, benchmarks and benefits of security screen technology. So much so that Crimsafe security screens not only protects your home and your family from unwanted intruders. They are also designed and optimised to resist multiple environmental impacts.

You will be tickled flamingo-pink by all the added protection Crimsafe security screens provide!

These include; bugs, solar heat and UV rays as well as harsh weather conditions such as: salty seaside weather, fires, hail and cyclones. Additionally, Crimsafe manages all of this while letting the good stuff in, such as light and breeze to maintain visibility and airflow throughout your home.


Well, not quite. It is all thanks to Crimsafe’s leading ingenuity, engineering and design innovation.

So, How does Crimsafe weather the weather?

Crimsafe Optimises Airflow

In part one, we learned about the technology that goes into Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh. It is this technology that is also responsible for Crimsafe’s ability to allow optimal airflow and visibility throughout your home.

On average, fly screens can provide as little as 20% airflow through your home. Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh exceeds this average performance, working to keep your home well ventilated. As proven through extensive airflow testing Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh is revealed to have an impressive airflow of 53%! This result is achieved by the unique fine steel threads and cross sectional views of the mesh, which gives Crimsafe security screens their incredible strength. This allows for more open space to be created in the mesh, optimising airflow, without compromising on security.

These cross sections and ample openness of the Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh, also gives Crimsafe its high visibility. Amazingly, with a comparable aperture (size of the holes in the Tensile-Tuff mesh) to that of standard flyscreens, Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh has some of the highest security screen visibility available. This is then enhanced by the black powdercoat on the Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh, which is designed to absorb light and minimise reflection.


Crimsafe keeps out the smallest intruders

Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh also works for you to keep out even the smallest of unwanted intruders. These being the pesky bugs and insects that are all too common in Queensland, particularly when summer rolls around. In fact, the Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh is so resistant to bugs, it was found to keep out approximately 99% of mosquitos and 80% of midges!


Keeps your home cool and products from UV rays

Along with insect intruders, the Australian climate brings extreme heat and damaging UV rays and we are learning more everyday about the damaging effects of the sun. Particularly, that just because you are inside does not mean that you and your family are protected. These unavoidable factors can be a nuisance. Battling solar heat and trying to keep your home cool can feel never-ending, especially when it comes to paying the power bill. Additionally, the damage caused by UV rays is often undetectable with alarmingly long-term effects. Bummer!

However, Crimsafe security screens work to protect you and your family from both! When it comes to solar heat, heat gain testing shows that overall, Crimsafe improves home energy efficiency by up to 53%! That means that Crimsafe is working for you to keep that heat out during summer, but also in during the winter. Even better news is that Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh works to block 62% of harmful UV rays, which is as much as some of your everyday clothing.

Crimsafe protects against all Australian weather

We all know that the Queensland climate can throw even more at us than just the sun. For starters, many of our homes are in coastal areas where salty air and water can be a problem. Not for Crimsafe! Once again, Crimsafe security screens outlast any salt testing, showing no signs of damage or corrosion. This is a result of our high quality stainless steel and powder coating treatment, which not only maintains the aesthetics of the Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh, but most importantly, the integrity of your Crimsafe security screens will remain for years on end. Amazing!

Additionally, this tropical climate we all love so much, does bring extreme storm conditions. This can mean damaging wind, hail and even cyclones in some areas. These weather conditions are a serious consideration, therefore Crimsafe conducts various tests to ensure Crimsafe security screens work to keep your home and your family safe from ANY and ALL dangers coming from the outside. One of the most extreme tests is the cyclone debris test. This test involves wood and even metal projectiles being repeatedly gusted at Crimsafe security screens, which reveals a resistance to projectiles of up to 392kph. If these projectiles can’t damage your screens, hail and wind have no chance!


Crimsafe provides bushfire protection

Finally, we are all aware of the country wide devastation the Australian bushfires cause our communities. Fire protection is not something we ever want to have to think about, however it is a growing concern in Australian homes. Aside from bushfire risk, each year firefighters also attend an average of 1,000 house fires in Queensland. That is 3 every day, which makes considerations of fire safety and protection look not too far fetched.

Crimsafe iQ is the best product Crimsafe offers for optimal fire safety. The integrated Smart system is designed in such a way that if you need to get out, you can, easily and quickly. This has unfortunately been identified as an often overlooked issue by QLD fire and emergency services, stating that not being able to get out of your home can be the difference between life and death.

For other fire safety tips head to this resource on Indoor Fire Safety from the QLD Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Education resources.

With this in mind, Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh is designed to exceed Australian standards in fire safety. This means that Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh has been tried and tested to uphold Australia’s highest standards in bushfire resistance. It can even be used as a preventative measure in bushfire prone areas!

Similar to how Crimsafe’s insect resistance works, the size and shape of the Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh cross sections also prevents ember penetration. This is Crimsafe’s main defence against the spread of fire as it works for you as a barrier that significantly halts fire spreading throughout your home. As mentioned earlier, in regards to solar heat protection, this mesh also acts as a barrier against heat. Through fire attenuation testing, it was found that Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff mesh works to reduce the radiant heat from flames by up to 59%, creating an even larger hindrance for the spread of flames.

So there it is, Crimsafe security screens really are always hard at work, providing you, your home and your family with the ultimate protection.

Part one detailed the technical elements and how Crimsafe is so crim safe. Part two then went into that extra mile that Crimsafe goes into thinking about some of the more practical things. Things that are not necessarily obvious, as being less traditional forms of security and protection that Crimsafe security screens can provide.

Crimsafe works for you, your home and your family as Crimsafe keeps you protected from all sorts or intruders. Big or small and anything that the Australian environment could send your way.

Rain, hail or shine (bugs, wind, beach, fire and cyclone) you can be assured that your Crimsafe security screens are working for you AND can weather any kind of weather.

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